Section 1.1 The name of this organization shall be Pinewood Gardens Civic League (“League”).
Section 2.1 To promote and coordinate community welfare, safety, and improvement. Section 2.2 To promote social and recreational activities.
Section 3.1 Shall be limited to adult residents of the Pinewood Gardens.
Section 3.2 Each adult resident member shall be entitled to one vote with up to two (2) votes per household.
Section 3.3 Members unable to attend a regular or special meeting may submit absentee ballots on business matters to be voted upon by members in attendance at said meeting. The absentee ballot may be submitted in writing, or may be submitted by electronic mail, and will be submitted to the Recording Secretary prior to the meeting in which the assembled civic league members act upon the business.
Section 3.4 Each family shall pay annual dues, in an amount set by a vote of members at a regular or special meeting. (Note: Annual dues are $15.00, set at the general membership meeting on October 22, 2024.) All dues are payable by the January general membership meeting.
Section 4.1 The officers of the civic league shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The elected Officers shall serve as the Board of Directors for the League, and the President shall serve as the Chair of the Board of Directors. The elected Officers shall also constitute the Executive Board of the League.
Section 4.2 The election and installation of officers shall be the first order of business at the June meeting. The officers' terms shall begin immediately with their June installation and end with the election of new officers the following year.
Section 4.3 A nominating committee of at least three (3) will be announced at the April meeting. The Executive Board will seek interested volunteers to serve in this capacity. Their duty will be to select a slate of candidates for league office to be voted upon at the June meeting. There may also be nominations from the floor. No member shall be nominated for any office that has not given his/her consent to serve if elected.
Section 4.4 Each office shall run for a term of one year.
Section 4.5 No officer shall serve in the same office more than two consecutive years.
Section 5.1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the League. He/she may call special meetings of the League whenever such meetings seem to him/her necessary and advisable or upon recommendation of a majority of the Executive Committee.
Section 5.2 The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President when the latter is absent or incapacitated and shall serve as Co-Chairperson of the Membership Committee and Program Committees.
Section 5.3 The Secretary shall keep a directory of residents and shall notify the residents of the time and place of all meetings, handle correspondence for and on behalf of the League.
Section 5.4 The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all monies collected for and by the League; he/she shall disburse the funds in accordance with the annual budget developed by the membership. The proposed budget for the next year will be published on the Pinewood Garden Civic Leagues Website for resident review and approval by vote at the November General Membership meeting. Expenditures for any nonbudgeted item exceeding $500, except for emergency expenditures, must be first published on the Pinewood Gardens Civic Leagues Website and voted upon by the general membership at the next meeting.
Section 6.1 Regular meetings of the League shall be held in 6 times a year. Every Other Month.
Section 6.2 Special meetings of the League may be held subject to the provisions of Article Five, Section 5.1.
Section 6.3 The President, two (2) Executive Board Members, and a minimum of twenty (20) additional league members, attending in person or voting by absentee ballot, shall comprise a quorum at any Civic League General Membership Meeting.
Section 6.4 The majority of any committee shall comprise a quorum at any one of their meetings. (NOTE: A quorum is the minimum number of members required to be at a meeting before the Pinewood Gardens Civic League can validly proceed to transact business.)
Section 7.1 The Executive Board may appoint Standing Committees, the Chairs of such Committees, and their members, including, but not limited to, the following Committees:
Neighborhood Watch
Social Media
Section 7.2 The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the organization's elected Officers and the standing committee chairpersons. The Executive Committee shall coordinate activities of the other committees, act in an advisory capacity to the President in the best interest of the League, recommend special meetings in accordance with Article Five, Section 1, and promote membership and participation of eligible members. The President shall be Chairman of the Executive Committee and shall vote only in the event of a tie. The Executive Board is comprised of the elected officers of the Civic League and shall meet to frame upcoming events and outline near term goals.
Section 7.3 The Membership Committee is chaired by the Vice-Presidents and will work with the Treasurer to collect dues.
Section 7.3 The Neighborhood Watch Committee shall work with the Virginia Beach Police to keep Pinewood Gardens secure and crime-free. All sections of Pinewood Gardens will be represented by our Block Captains who will report to the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator (Chairperson). Block Captains will educate their assigned residents about the Neighborhood Watch Program and act as the liaison between these neighbors and the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator. The Neighborhood Watch Block Captains will also distribute the notices to keep the community informed.
Section 8.1 Order of Business:
8.1 a. Call to Order and Membership Count; Determination of Quorum
8.1 b. Program
8.1 c. Reading of Minutes from previous meeting
8.1 d. Report of Secretary
8.1 e. Report of Treasurer
8.1 f. Report of Vice-President
8.1 g. Unfinished Business
8.1 h. New Business
8.1 i. Announcements
8.1 j.Adjournment
Section 9.1 The parliamentary authority for the League shall be Robert's Rules of Order Revised.
Section 9.2 These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the League if the proposed amendment has been submitted to the membership on the Pinewood Gardens website prior to the vote meeting. Amendments shall become effective immediately upon adoption.
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